
Showing posts from February, 2019

Terra Mare - A New Campaign - First Thoughts

As you may know I recently (well, end of 2018) finished a very long running 4th Edition D&D campaign.  If you missed it, there are a series of articles on my other blog, starting here . As we fancied a break from fantasy role playing, that group has gone on to play Call of Cthulhu, and there are blogs on here going over the process of constructing the first investigation starting here. I am also running a mostly different group of players through the D&D 5th Edition starter set Lost Mine of Phandelver at my FLGS, and we are coming to the end of that adventure, so I'll need something to run afterwards.  We had considered continuing with the characters, possibly going on to something like Storm King's Thunder, probably adapted for Mystara and starting at chapter 3.  But several of the players want the opportunity to start from scratch, perhaps choosing a little differently for their characters.  Although the Lost Mine set includes pregens and each has its l...