
Welcome, whether you've stumbled across this or if you're a reader of my 'Periodic Painting Table' blog, come inside, pull up a seat, grab a drink and make yourself comfortable .
Thrice welcome.

Why am I doing another Blog?
It has become obvious to  me recently that I have a bit to say about how I go about designing adventures for RPGs.  I spent a lot of virtual ink recently on the other blog (starting here), going on (and on) about my long running 4th Edition D&D campaign, and, while I wanted to say the stuff, perhaps it didn't belong there (apart from the post about how I crafted for the games).  Hence this new enterprise.

What is it all about?
What can you expect to find on here?  Well probably a lot less than on my other blog, both in number and frequency of posts.  One thing I am going to be using it for is to ponder the choices I make for my next campaign.  If you are wondering why, it helps me to organise my thoughts in this way, and gives me a reference point when developing things further.  Much easier than going through the pile of scruffy notebooks.  I'll still use the notebooks for rough work though, I find that the best way to 'thought bomb' a project.

Who is it aimed at?
Anyone with an interest in RPGs, especially the process of writing adventures.  I suppose there will be 'spoilers' for the RPG adventures I am working on.  Nothing major, so don't feel you are excluded if you are one of my players.  I'll try and begin each post with a brief summary, so you can decide if you want to read it or if it might spoil your enjoyment of the game.

What I won't be doing is telling you how to do things.  I will tell you how I do things, and why; I hope you do get something useful out of it though.  I welcome feedback, perhaps we can make something better than the sum of its parts?  In any case, I'd like to read how you go about designing adventures, so please leave comments.


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